New Generation Software, Inc.
User: Guest

Product: IQ
Current Release: 7.20.00

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Class Information

Do you want to know how to use IQ to its full potential?

Consider a training class to improve your skills. Classes are available in Sacramento or at your location. If you have one or two people that need training, come to Sacramento; if you have five or more, we'll go to your location.

Email or call Education Services at 800-257-2442 to discuss your specific training requirements.

NGS-IQ Level 1 Plus

This training is designed to go from basic IQ navigation and query structure to more complex queries using multiple files. Learn how to create queries with user prompts, conditional calculations, custom layout, and a variety of output options such as PDF or HTML. Either the IQ Client Windows user interface or the standard 5250 emulation is used. This class includes and integrates the use of Qport Access and SmartView throughout the class.

  • NGS-IQ structure overview
  • Create listings and reports with run time prompts
  • Sort, break, and select records
  • Join multiple files
  • Create new fields to show results of numeric calculations or character values
  • Create "conditional" or "if/then/else" scenarios
  • Convert and use dates properly
  • Custom layouts
  • Create ASCII files: TXT, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML
  • E-mail or FTP results
  • Run Queries in the browser using Web Runner
  • Use Qport Access to send query results directly into Word, Excel, Microsoft Access
  • Use multiple sheets and Qport ranges in Excel
  • Create a SmartView grid with drill-down capabilities
  • Create SmartView graphs
  • Create shortcuts on your desktop to run queries

The two-day training includes a Training Guide and reference manual.

NGS-IQ Level 2

This training is structured for users who have completed Level 1. Learn the advanced report writing techniques such as tables, summary level calculations, buckets, one-to-many solutions, resetting running counters or totals, using unique key, linking queries, and SQL Group By functions. Learn how to structure queries to produce XML results for Business Performance Dashboard.

  • Complex run time prompts
  • Summary level calculations
  • Design Web Links and Charts for use in Web Runner queries
  • Analytical tables
  • Custom layouts
  • Date manipulation, date "math," and aging
  • Design "bucket" style reports
  • Learn how and when to use Unique Key, PREV, *SKIP, and *COUNTn
  • Solve one-to-many relationship issues
  • Get the top 10 best/worst report on customers, regions, sales, etc. (You can specify any number and wait until run time to decide.)
  • Use the SQL interface
  • Link queries
  • Create XML files
  • Create output files


  • Completion of Level 1 class

The two-day training includes a Training Guide and reference manual.

Qport Access and SmartView Only

This training is designed for any Qport Access user; no query-building skills required.

  • Send query result directly into Word, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Access
  • Create a SmartView grid with drill-down capabilities
  • Create SmartView graphs
  • Create icons on your desktop
  • Learn how to schedule your reports on your Windows scheduler

One-half day training includes a training guide.

Business Performance Dashboard

Learn how to build highly graphical presentations of your business-critical data for executives and managers at the touch of a button or dial. Completion of NGS-IQ Level 1 and Level 2 classes, as well as, intermediate Excel skills are prerequisites for this class.

Consulting Hours

Consulting hours are designed for managers, administrators, company trainers, programmers or for additional in-depth training and report writing assistance. This time may be used to train trainers within your company to help them conduct their own classes. Here's just a few of the items we can cover:

  • Setup global defaults
  • Create meta files and pre-defined joins
  • Create file unions
  • Transfer to host using Qport Access
  • Query design for SmartViews
  • How to use management utilities
  • Learn to tune queries for best performance
  • Attach beginning or ending exit programs
  • Attach programs to conditional new fields
  • Run queries from CL or RPG
  • Setup security in IQ SeQure
  • Query development assistance

Hourly as needed in conjunction with any IQ training.

Certification Training

Certification training is designed for NGS business partners or companies who want a "resident expert" or trainer. Certification classes are held in Sacramento only.

  • Certified User - 5 days
  • Certified Technical Support for Business Partners - 7 days
  • Certified Trainer - 5 additional days*

*Prerequisite: Completion of Certified User or Certified Technical Support for Business Partners.