
Replacing DB2 Web Query and Query/400

NGS webinar

Who Should Attend:

  • IBM customers still using Query/400
  • IBM DB2 Web Query customers who need to migrate to another solution
  • Customers looking for a better way to support Microsoft Power BI users

Have you pressed IBM Query for i (Query/400) to its limits?

Found DB2 Web Query and other tools too hard to use or costly?

Spent too much time writing custom report programs?

If so, we encourage you to request a web demo or watch a demonstration on demand in our video library.

October 10, 2024
11:00a PT / 1:00p CT / 2:00p ET
Duration: 1 hour


Webinar Date:

October 10, 2024




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Describe the methods your company uses to generate reports and support analytics (check all that apply):

Develop reports in DB2 Web Query.
Develop reports in RPG or another language.
Write IBM Query/400 queries.
Use IBM i Access (Client Access) to extract and transfer files to users.
Use Microsoft Power BI with Excel and Microsoft 365.
Write SQL scripts to extract and present data.
Transfer files nightly to a data warehouse or analytics application on another server.
Use IBM Cognos, Crystal, QlikView, Tableau, or other third-party reporting/analytics solution.
Access data stored in non-IBM i databases.

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