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Web Reporting for NGS-IQ Tutoring

Posted on September 3, 2019 by Bill Langston

Web reporting is an integrated feature of NGS-IQ. That's not new. But from surveys, site visits, and technical support calls, we know that some customers haven't gotten very far with our Web reporting features. These customers tend to fall into three groups:

  1. Those who have recently started running NGS-IQ queries from a browser.
  2. Those who have been running queries from a browser for awhile, but their output is just plain text. They haven't tried the HTML design features in IQ Client.
  3. Those who work in a company where progress is slow—there is a divide between the people in the shop who understand IBM i, Db2 on i, and NGS-IQ, and the people who are comfortable with HTML, cascading style sheets, hyperlinks, and Web servers.

If any of these shoes fit, we'd like to talk to you about our new Web Reporting Tutoring class for NGS-IQ users. We've structured this live, no-cost, online session to quickly cover everything from basic to advanced Web reporting. We provide a step-by-step guide you can use during and after the two-hour session.

You can learn to design visually impressive Web reports more quickly than you might think, without having to learn a web scripting or programming language. Let us help you get started.

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