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Building Your Business Case for New Query, Reporting, and Analytics Software

Posted on June 17, 2019 by Bill Langston

Often, those benefitting the most from new query, reporting, and analytics software are the ones who need to convince a senior manager to let them invest time in evaluating potential solutions. Senior-level, non-technical executives may be skeptical of the business need—they may be unfamiliar with the potential uses of the software, concerned about the staff’s skills and training requirements, and eager to know the cost and expected return on investment. A CIO or IT director may have questions about security and server performance.

If you’re the one who needs to gain management support, you may be struggling for the words you need to effectively respond to their questions. Our new project justification tool can help you get started.

Identify yourself and answer a few questions about your business and software environment. The tool will instantly generate a customized set of arguments that you can copy and paste into your favorite word processing software. Edit and add to the text as needed and share your final version with management. 

Give our project justification tool a try. Let us know how it worked for you and tell us how we can continue to improve it.

Posted in Enterprise Software | Comments

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