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Power from Versatility

Posted on June 26, 2018 by Bill Langston

One of the most interesting aspects of meeting with NGS-IQ customers is seeing all of the different ways people use the software. It’s a testament to the versatility of NGS-IQ that it can help users satisfy such different requirements.

We recently visited a customer who uses NGS-IQ as an “extraction, transformation, loading” (ETL) tool to move data into Microsoft Access where they have developed a very nice, custom analytics solution. Whereas a larger organization might question the choice of Microsoft Access as a data mart and analytics interface solution, it works well for this customer.

Microsoft Excel is the world’s most popular data analysis and presentation tool, but while we spend substantial time teaching customers how to take advantage of NGS-IQ’s Excel reporting features, we have some customers who feel Excel is too difficult to control and frown on its use.

One customer we recently met with primarily uses NGS-IQ to generate and distribute a long list of operational reports that they run during off-peak hours and send out via email; yet another is focused on using NGS-IQ to generate files that are uploaded to the Microsoft Power BI cloud where business analysts use the data to design and share Web reports and dashboards.

The common thread for all of these organizations is that NGS-IQ provides them with the function they need to accurately, consistently, and securely extract timely data, transform it into the desired format, and make it available to the people who need it.

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