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IoT and IBM i

Posted on February 2, 2017 by David Gillman

While it’s unlikely that many companies will store their IoT device messages in the IBM i environment, it's easy to imagine most IBM i customers having systems (maybe cloud based) that store IoT message streams alongside their Db2 on i/ERP database.

While the data is stored separately, there is value to be realized from “merging” IoT and ERP data. Think about sensor data (IoT data) captured from products being used by thousands of customers. This data, once parsed and placed into a searchable format, needs to be viewed in different ways – by product, by customer, by order or install date, and so on. That product, customer, and order information is in the ERP database. Business people need this combination of data to give meaning and perspective to the IoT data.

Depending on the format and volume of your IoT data, with a little data cleansing and filtering, you could probably upload extracts of IoT data to Db2 on i. Once the extracted IoT data is there, forward thinking IBM i customers can begin to discover its business value.

#IBMi  #IoT

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